Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011, A year to celebrate.

As we welcome in the new year, animal lovers are celebrating all the great achievements that were made in 2011. publishes an annual review documenting all of the progress they have made in the past year. Peta has been a key player in the fight against animal cruelty and their contributions in the past year have been paramount. Peta's undercover investigation of Professional Laboratory and Research Services Inc. led to the indictment of former workers for animal cruelty. Through their mobile clinic they spayed and neutered over 11,000 animals in the southeast and by educating Papaya Clothing company, they prompted them to remove fur from 90 outlets. In 2011, Peta also filled requests for 650,000 vegetarian starter kits, making it easier to become a vegetarian or vegan. There were many great steps taken towards the fight against animal cruelty, but there is even more that can be done. The new year is a time for change and resolutions, so what better time to make a positive change and join the fight for animal rights? Become vegetarian, throw away your fur, join Peta, whatever it may be, this new year do something good for animals.